Configuring Jenkins with OIDC based SSO
I needed a SAML SP which supports SingleLogOut(SLO)
- Jenkins
- If you don’t have one spin up one quickly - Use this post if you have Kubernetes
- OpenId Connect IDP
Preparing Jenkins
Installing plugin
Note: Jenkins needs internet access to install plugins interactively.
Jenkins –> Manage Jenkins –> Type oic-auth
in the filter text box. If it is not installed find it in Available.
Install oic-auth plugin.
Configuring IDP
Register Jenkins as OIDC client in your IDP. You will need these details
- Login Redirec URI: ${JENKINS_ROOT_URL}/securityRealm/finishLogin
- Logout Redirect URI: ${JENKINS_ROOT_URL}/OicLogout
- scope: openid email
- Grant Type: authorization_code
- Response Types: code, token, id_token
Generate Client ID and Secret which we will use in next step at Jenkins configuration
Configuring Jenkins
Jenkins –> Manage Jenkins –> Configure Global Security
Under Security Realm
select Login with Openid Connect
Gather OIDC IDP endpoints. Normally IDP provides .well-known/openid-configuration
which has all the details client need to know.
We can use this url as Well-known configuration endpoint
under Automatic configuration
For example google’s OIDC details can be found -
Configure Client ID and Secret from IDP.