AWS Workspaces

  • Amazon WorkSpaces is a managed, secure cloud desktop as a service (DaaS).
  • Has concept of WorkDocs



  • Each WorkSpaces instance is associated with a specific VPC and the AWS Directory Service.
  • The WorkSpaces service requires a minimum of two subnets to operate, each in a different Availability Zone (AZ).
  • PCoIP (port 4172) –> PC over IP
  • WSP (port 4195) –> WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol
  • Client applications use port 4172 (PCoIP) and port 4195 (WSP) for pixel streaming to the WorkSpace and ports 4172 and 4195 for network health checks
  • A WorkSpace bundle is a combination of an operating system, and storage, compute, and software resources

AWS Directories

  • Act as a storage for user and workspaces (computers) information.
  • Has unique registration code per directory which will be shared to all the workspace users.
  • Requires two subnets or your VPC.

Useful AWS commands

aws workspaces describe-workspaces
aws workspaces describe-workspaces --output table
aws workspaces describe-workspace-directories

Cost saving or clean up after experiments

aws workspaces terinate-workspaces --terminate-workspace-requests <workspace id(s)>

Pricing Notes

  • Identify less never or frequently used workspaces and decommision it
aws workspaces describe-workspaces-connection-status  --output table
aws workspaces describe-workspaces --workspace-id <workspace-id>

To find what are the workspaces connected before/after certain time

aws workspaces describe-workspaces-connection-status --query 'WorkspacesConnectionStatus[?LastKnownUserConnectionTimestamp>`2023-12-15T17:55:3S.390Z`]'

Client side sort using jq

aws workspaces describe-workspaces-connection-status | jq -s 'sort_by(.LastKnownUserConnectionTimestamp)'


  • Define security group to limit the inbound and outbound traffic.
  • If your company uses HTTP proxy, VPN or Zero-Trust network setup, you may use limit the inbound client connection so that workspaces not available from public network.
  • You can limit outbound traffic with IP range of the region on port 4195 from your corporate network to the AWS.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Create Simple AD directory using cloudformation

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: 'Developer Workspace'

  vpcID: {
    "Type" : "String",
    "Default" : "vpc-default123123",
    "Description" : "VPC where directory will be associated."
  subnetID1: {
    "Type" : "String",
    "Default" : "subnet-one1232",
    "Description" : "Two subnets needed minimum. This is first subnet"
  subnetID2: {
    "Type" : "String",
    "Default" : "subnet-two23432",
    "Description" : "Two subnets needed minimum. This is second subnet"

  # Directory creation typically takes between 20 to 45 minutes.
    Type: AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD
      Name: "fun.local.corp"
      Password: 'HardCodedBAD#'
      # Password: ''
      Size: Small
          - !Ref subnetID1
          - !Ref subnetID2
        VpcId: !Ref vpcID

CloudFormation Template


Problems and Solutions

Unauthorized DescribeUsers

aws workdocs describe-users --organization-id <directory-id>

An error occurred (UnauthorizedResourceAccessException) when calling the DescribeUsers operation: Principal [arn:aws:iam::account:user/mahendran] is not allowed to execute [workdocs:DescribeUsers] on the resource


Reset user password

You need permissions
You do not have the permission required to perform this operation. Ask your administrator to add permissions.
User: arn:aws:iam::account:user/mahendran is not authorized to perform: ds:ResetUserPassword on resource: arn:aws:ds:eu-west-1:account:directory/d-dirID because no identity-based policy allows the ds:ResetUserPassword action

Manage Directory
