Practice cluster snapshot, pause, delete and restore

Useful AWS commands

To list all manual and automated Redshift snapshots created in the last 30 days:

aws redshift describe-cluster-snapshots \
  --snapshot-type manual \
  --start-time $(date -v-365d +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

To limit few fiels with jq

aws redshift describe-cluster-snapshots | jq ".Snapshots[] | {SnapshotIdentifier, ClusterIdentifier, SnapshotCreateTime, SnapshotType, TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes, ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod}"

List snapshots without retention period

$ aws redshift describe-cluster-snapshots --snapshot-type manual,automated --no-retention-period

--no-retention-period is NOT working as Amazon Q explains or unofficial blog posts. It is not implemented

$ aws redshift describe-cluster-snapshots --snapshot-type manual  | jq  ".Snapshots |= map(select (.ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod == -1))" | jq ".Snapshots[] | {SnapshotIdentifier, ClusterIdentifier, SnapshotCreateTime, SnapshotType, TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes, ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod}"

To view snapshot schedules

$ aws redshift describe-snapshot-schedules

Create cluster

Node Types

  • economic - dc2.large
  • Production - choose any ra3
aws redshift describe-clusters | jq ".Clusters[] |= {ClusterIdentifier,NodeType, ClusterStatus }"

Backup & Snapshots

Before making any infrastructure or DBA kind changes, it is recommended to take backup.

aws redshift create-cluster-snapshot --cluster-identifier <cluster-name> --snapshot-identifier <snapshot-name> [--snapshot-cluster-identifier <cluster-name>]
aws redshift create-cluster-snapshot --cluster-identifier myredshift-sandbox --snapshot-identifier myredshift-sandbox-001

Sample Queries

create table driver (name VARCHAR, age integer, candrivecar boolean);
insert into driver values ('Mahendran', 55, true);

Manipulate sample DB

select * from users limit 10
delete from users where username = 'AEB55QTM'
select * from users where username = 'AEB55QTM'

aws redshift create-cluster-snapshot --cluster-identifier myredshift-sandbox --snapshot-identifier myredshift-sandbox-after-change

Pause Cluster

$ aws redshift pause-cluster --cluster-identifier <cluster-name>
$ aws redshift pause-cluster --cluster-identifier myredshift-sandbox
$ aws redshift describe-clusters | jq ".Clusters[] |= {ClusterIdentifier,NodeType, ClusterStatus }"
  "Clusters": [
      "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox",
      "NodeType": "dc2.large",
      "ClusterStatus": "pausing"
$ aws redshift describe-clusters | jq ".Clusters[] |= {ClusterIdentifier,NodeType, ClusterStatus }"
  "Clusters": [
      "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox",
      "NodeType": "dc2.large",
      "ClusterStatus": "paused"

Describe Events for activity monitoring

$ aws redshift describe-events --source-identifier myredshift-sandbox --source-type cluster

Resume cluster

$ aws redshift resume-cluster --cluster-identifier <cluster-name>
$ aws redshift resume-cluster --cluster-identifier myredshift-sandbox
$ aws redshift describe-clusters | jq ".Clusters[] |= {ClusterIdentifier,NodeType, ClusterStatus }"
  "Clusters": [
      "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox",
      "NodeType": "dc2.large",
      "ClusterStatus": "resuming"
$ aws redshift describe-clusters | jq ".Clusters[] |= {ClusterIdentifier,NodeType, ClusterStatus }"
  "Clusters": [
      "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox",
      "NodeType": "dc2.large",
      "ClusterStatus": "available"

Delete cluster

Delete cluster using console to confirm after reviewing. Paused cluster can be deleted; Create final snapshot to avoid data loss.

$ aws redshift describe-cluster-snapshots --snapshot-type manual  | jq  ".Snapshots |= map(select (.ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod == -1))" | jq ".Snapshots[] | {SnapshotIdentifier, ClusterIdentifier, SnapshotCreateTime, SnapshotType, TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes, ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod}"
  "SnapshotIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox-final-snapshot",
  "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox",
  "SnapshotCreateTime": "2024-08-26T22:19:17.623000+00:00",
  "SnapshotType": "manual",
  "TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes": 4206,
  "ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod": -1
  "SnapshotIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox-after-change",
  "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox",
  "SnapshotCreateTime": "2024-08-26T21:59:49.967000+00:00",
  "SnapshotType": "manual",
  "TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes": 3931,
  "ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod": -1
  "SnapshotIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox-001",
  "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox",
  "SnapshotCreateTime": "2024-08-26T21:45:05.894000+00:00",
  "SnapshotType": "manual",
  "TotalBackupSizeInMegaBytes": 707,
  "ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod": -1

Restore from snapshot

$ aws redshift restore-from-cluster-snapshot \
    --snapshot-identifier myredshift-sandbox-final-snapshot \
    --cluster-identifier myredshift-sandbox-new \
    --node-type dc2.large \
$ aws redshift describe-clusters | jq ".Clusters[] |= {ClusterIdentifier,NodeType, ClusterStatus }"
  "Clusters": [
      "ClusterIdentifier": "myredshift-sandbox-new",
      "NodeType": "dc2.large",
      "ClusterStatus": "creating"

While restoring from snapshot, we can change the cluster configuration. To find what options available…

aws redshift describe-node-configuration-options --snapshot-identifier myredshift-sandbox-final-snapshot --region eu-west-1 --action-type restore-cluster
$ aws redshift restore-from-cluster-snapshot --snapshot-identifier as-is-as-of-aug-23 --cluster-identifier mysandbox-3 --node-type dc2.large --allow-version-upgrade

An error occurred (InvalidSubnet) when calling the RestoreFromClusterSnapshot operation: No default subnet detected in VPC. Please contact AWS Support to recreate default Subnets.

Internet accessible

To make/block the cluster accessible from internet (outside VPC), change the cluster properties –> Network and security settings –> Publicly accessible settings

To make/block the serverless workgroup accessible from internet (outside VPC), go to your workgroup and edit Data access –> Publicly accessible settings

Create user and grant access

select * from pg_user;
CREATE USER awsdbuser WITH PASSWORD 'YourSecurePassword';
GRANT ROLE sys:dba TO awsdbuser;
GRANT ROLE sys:superuser TO awsdbuser;
select * from pg_user;

